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How You Can Get Started With the C2C Business?

Examine the Purpose of Your Business

Before anything else consider the aim of your business, what you want to achieve. If you want to create a t-shirt, jewelry, mobile covers, artwork, your purpose might be to create a customized product. If you collect antique books, vinyl records and want to sell them, then your purpose might be to connect the customers.

For Example: You know the customer you want to sell his antique rare bike. You also know the customer who is interested in purchasing that bike. Once the deal is done you can charge a commission to them. 

Select the Platform                               

Now taking the above example, your purpose is doing C2C business. So you can identify which C2C platform will work better for your brand. If you have rare items, you can sell them in online auctions. If you create your own products, you should consider selling them on the e-commerce platform. 

For Example: You want to sell a customized t-shirt. You decide to start an online store where you can sell your niche-specific business.              

Use Advertising Methods

If you have an online store, you should think about generating traffic to your store. You can create business accounts on social media platforms for online visibility. 

In addition to that, you can create a blog or video content related to your business. Such content should be SEO optimized like including keywords and backlinks. This is the organic way to generate traffic to your website which improves your SERP(Search Engine Results Page) ranking.

Build the Customer Network

Once you created your online store, you can start building the consumer base. Start from the friends and family, who can recommend your products to others or even purchase items to increase the legitimacy of your C2C business. 

For Example: You have an online customized T-shirt store. You can ask your family and friends to have your product and leave a review. In addition, they can also recommend it to others if they like or share it on social media. This will help you in increasing your sales and customer network.

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