Why are There Blurred Print Edges in Screen Printing?

Uneven ink edges are one of the common problems in screen printing. You might have mastered the process of screen printing, but it doesn’t mean the print will be perfect all the time. There are several factors that affect the quality of print. Let’s examine what creates blurriness on the print edges. 

Movement of Substrate

Obscured edges on a screen print likewise can show that your substrate is moving during printing. To begin with, check your pallets to ensure they are not free; this is a check you should make before each screen printing run. In the event that your beds are tight, assess the glue you’re utilizing to keep substrates set up. Spray adhesives are simpler to apply, yet they can separate quicker than their water-based partners. On the off chance that you are printing with a downy or heavier texture, your screen printing position may require a forte glue.

Thickness of Ink 

While numerous inks are promoted as being print prepared, in all actuality few are. In any event, you ought to altogether blend your ink, and you may have to blend added substances into the ink to thin it out or to tailor it to your undertaking, for example, by adding a low-drain added substance. These added substances can thin your ink past the ideal consistency, permitting your ink to bleed past the limits of your stencil during printing.                   

Issue of Stencil 

In the event that you’ve set up your press appropriately and tended to any issues with your ink and other gear, yet your screen prints actually have obscured edges, you need to investigate your stencil. On the off chance that your emulsion wasn’t uncovered as expected, the edges of the stencil may debilitate during waste of time or during printing and endanger the edges of your pictures. An emulsion that was too slim or that didn’t traverse the matrix of your screen enough can make the squares of your screen show on the edges of your screen print.


To create a fresh screen print, the screen should have the option to snap upward, shearing the ink as the squeegee passes. Setting your press to have a sufficient off-contact distance makes the room important for the screen to gobble far up into the clouds from your screen printing substrate. For lighter substrates like t-shirts, you’ll need to set your off-contact distance at 1/16 of an inch; for thicker substrates, you may have to build your off contact up to 1/8 of an inch. In the event that your norm off-contact distance is as yet delivering downy outcomes, you might need to consider changing that off-contact distance and playing out a preliminary attempt of your screen print.

Screen Tensity         

A screen tension meter can be a truly significant instrument to guarantee your print quality stays sharp. For ideal screen printing, your screen pressure ought to quantify somewhere in the range of 25 and 35 N/cm². Screens slacken over the long run because of the steady pressing factor of the wiper. At the point when screen pressure turns out to be too low, the cross-section can move during printing, making the edges of the print blur. You can stay away from this issue by checking your screens before each screen printing position with your pressure meter. Screens whose pressure has diminished past the ideal reach ought to be re-tensioned or replaced.

Ink Passing through Fabric

On the off chance that you see ink being just passed within a shirt, at that point, there is a lot of pressing factors being applied to the screen. 

That the ink is too flimsy, the wiper is excessively unpleasant, a lot of pressing factor is applied or the substrate texture’s weave is excessively open.

Continuously test wiper pressure by bringing it down to where it nearly will not print, at that point, add barely enough to where it prints perfectly with noticeable details and even inclusion and afterwards stop. Take a look at the piece of clothing’s underside, and you can see undeniably less ink.

When you continuously take care of the screen printing tools and are consistent with the screen printing method, your print will have a better look. Feel free to contact us in case of more information

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