How to sync the category/collection manually

The category/collection added in the Shopify backend will automatically be displayed in the PrintXpand backend once you sync it. In this article, you will get to know about the way to sync the category/collection.

Login to Magento Backend 

Navigate to Shopify Dashboard. 

You will be directed to the Shopify Dashboard where an overview of All the Orders, Collections, Products, Sales and Customers are given. Here you have to click on View Collections in the Collections section.   

A list of all the added collections will be displayed.

Now, you can sync the collections in two ways : 

  • Manually sync each collection by clicking on the Sync icon in the Action column. 


  • Select all the collections by clicking on the Select All checkbox and then to sync all at once, by clicking on the Sync All button. 

Once you sync, a success message will be displayed. 

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