Why is Marketing Automation so Important for the B2C Business?

B2C marketing automation focuses on customer acquisition, customer spending, and customer retention. To get success, marketers need to know the customers and be able to make decisions through data. Below are some examples of why marketing automation is important for your store. 

Welcoming Your Shoppers

Welcome your customer with the invite mail once they register themself in your store. Show them you care for them, what they can expect, and let them start shopping. Have the programs that consist of several campaigns and be sure to optimize them with A/B split tests. 

Show Automated Recommendations

B2C businesses can use a marketing software that gathers the data of buyers and feedback. This will help you in cross-selling your shopper. Ask your customers for a review, share photos, or rate the product. Based on the data, you can even mail them with recommended products, or any offer. ?This will inspire them to make purchases.

Automated Reminders

Send reminders through the mail of any offer or new collection to your customers. You can even send the mail again if someone hasn’t clicked on it. If someone hasn’t taken the opportunity of the sale send them a reminder to take the advantage of the offers.

Win the Customers

According to the study, 80% of marketing users say the increase in the number of leads. Target your shoppers after a certain time of inactivity to win them back. You can send them emails about the best deals, limited-time offers, or new collections. 

Even if they have left something in the cart, you can send a reminder. Apart from inactive users, you can reward your regular buyers based on the monetary value. 

Combined Strategy of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation isn’t limited to e-mails, you can show social ads or send text messages as well. Remember, do not all the things at the same time across the channels. Plan the time and deliver the campaigns together to maximize your reach without looking like spam.

Personalized Recommendations

Now you have the data of your shopper and you know their purchasing behavior. You can recommend the products on the web page based on the data or with the purchased product. Ever surfed on Netflix? Then you might have got the recommendation of movies that you frequently watch. They simply track the behavior and this is how it works.

A/B Testing

With automation one can use the A/B testing for the B2C business. With A/B testing you can endure new ideas and improve the quality of your marketing campaigns. Test with free shipping or other limited offers for your shoppers. This lets you understand your customers, but remember a single strategy at a time. 

Enhanced Retargeting Ads 

You can grasp the benefit of retargeting ads by triggering your buyers based on the response on site. If someone leaves your site without buying, you can retarget them through social ads to draw them to your site. 

You can send automated reminders to reach your shopper who left an item in the cart or hasn’t opened the mail. This was an example of how retargeting works and how it will trigger them to make the purchase.

Measure Success of Campaign

Automated software has inbuilt metrics, through which you can analyze the performance by looking at the conversion rates. Before starting any campaign, set the objective and make some realistic goals.

Above are some examples of how you can leverage the benefit of marketing automation to engage with your customers.

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