What is the PrintXpand Refund policy?

This article provides a detailed insight about the types of product for which PrintXpand provides a refund policy. As a brand, we aim to make the refund process smooth and fast for the majority of our products. PrintXpand conforms to strict ISMS guidelines and it is an ISO 27001 registered company. We are committed to providing distinguished support and set customer experience standards above par. While we maintain these standards, we are equally focused on protecting our copyrights. In case of any conflict, we have a PrintXpand decision board who will go through your issue and reserves the right to give a final conclusion. Also, Check out the duration of the refund process and how to apply for the refund policy at our official site to know more about the refund policies. 

Product Types and their refunds: 

  1. Purchases with one time license payments: 

Any purchase made on www.PrintXpand.com where the product license is validated through one-time payment falls in this category. For such products we provide a 70% of the refund against the payment made, provided you raise the request for the same within 30 days of the date of payment made. The amount paid against the cost of installation and any additional support utilized will not be refundable. 

  1. Purchases with monthly subscriptions: 

This applies to all the monthly subscribers. If at any time during the first month of using our service you want a refund, you can contact us. We will try to address your issue, provide a timeline for a solution that will meet your needs. Otherwise, we will refund 70% of the amount against the payment made. Please note, that this will only be subjected to the first monthly payment, and all the other subsequent payments will fall into (3.d) Auto Renewals Policy clause.

  1. Purchases with annual subscription: 

In exchange for you signing up for an annual upfront commitment, we offer a significant discount over the already-low monthly subscription cost. During your first 30 days using our service, if you face any issue, you can contact us. We will do our best to address your issue. Otherwise, we will refund 70% of the amount against the payment made.

What if you raise an issue outside the 30 days of the money-back period?

In such an instance, PrintXpand’ product board reserves the right to proceed with your request. If they grant the refund, 70% of the amount will be refunded on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the period of the subscription. In order to claim the refund, it is crucial that you submit your issue within the first 30 days from the date of payment.

Auto Renewals 

PrintXpand provides a cancellation option for the customers’ convenience. The monthly and yearly subscriptions will be auto-renewed until you cancel the service. Every time an email specifying the amount that will be charged to your credit card/PayPal account will be sent. Similarly, after each renewal, a receipt via email specifying the amount that has been deducted along with the next renewal date and next renewal amount will be sent.

Sometimes customers forget to cancel an account they no longer want until it has already been charged. That’s why you can cancel your monthly/annual subscription even after five business days of your renewal date. In such cases, 70% of the amount (Last Payment Only) is refunded against the payment in the event we receive communication from your official email address in 5 business days of the auto-renewal payment date. However, If you fail to update us within this time frame: 

(1) For Monthly Payment – we will cancel your subscription so the auto-renewal cycle will be canceled with no refunds for payments already processed. 

(2) For Yearly Payment – The clause 3.c(1) will be applied in its entirety after 5 business days of receipt of the auto-renewal payment.

Also,visit the PrintXpandRefundPolicy and get familiar with the policies before proceeding for the Refund. 

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