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What is DPI, resolution, and actual print file size?

DPI: DPI(dots per inch) is the number of dots in a printed inch. The more dots the higher the quality of the print (more sharpness and detail).

Resolution: The resolution can be identified by the width and height of the image as well as the pixels of the image. Suppose Image with 1280*720 is 1280pixels wide and 720pixels down.

Actual Size: Actual size of the file is described by the actual number. For example, you have a 10”x10” shape at 100dpi but you need to make it 20”x20”. If you scale it twice the original size you go from 10”x10” to  20”x20”. Now the DPI of the image is half since the image size doubled I.E. 50dpi.

With our tool, you can select different DPIs for the output generation in your store. For configuring DPI in your store go to Stores ➤ Configuration ➤ Product Designer Settings and scroll down to DPI Configuration.

Set DPI: Select the DPI for Output from 72, 96, 150, 300, 600.

Click the “Save Config” button for saving the configuration.

For the good quality of the file, we would recommend you to generate the files in 150dpi or more than that. The more dots the higher the quality of the print. 300dpi is ideal for every print file but 150dpi is also ok sometimes.

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