Types of Printer You Can Use for Printing Buttons

Mainly there are two types of printers available for printing buttons: inkjet and laser printers. Let’s discuss them.

InkJet Printer

Inkjet printers have a high resolution which makes it great for the tiny buttons. But the resolution is based on the usage of paper. You need to make sure to use paper on which the ink doesn’t spread quickly. Inkjet printers are affordable printers but the cost of ink and paper can add up. Inkjet printers slow down the speed of printing. Additionally, you have to let your prints dry fully, because if you print buttons from inkjet printers that aren’t dry, then the buttons can start to rust over time.

Laser Printer

A laser printer is a preferred method to print the buttons. Yet to get the prints like inkjet printers, the prices of the laser printer can be out of budget for many people. If you have a laser printer, you can start with printing buttons or else you can take the help of the local print shops. The drawback with the laser printers is that while printing, the button can slip inside the machine which creates the little mylar bubble on the sides of your button.

The solution to this is you can add some white space between the bleed line and the cut line of your graphics so that the color doesn’t extend the button face.

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