How to Manage Printable Colors in the Store

You can add and manage the colors from the backend. The customers can select only those colors which you have enabled from the backend. Here is how you can manage it in your product designer tool

Backend configurations 

You can provide the printable colors to the customer as per the compatibility of your printer or the availability of colors.

To manage the printable colors go to Product Designer ➤ Manage Printable colors.

Here you will get the list of all the printable colors with the details like name, color, store view, and status. 

To add a new printable color click on “Add Printable Color”. After clicking “Add Printable Color” you will be redirected to the “Add Printable Color” page.

Fill up the following details.

Name: Enter the name of the printable color.

Store Views: Select the store for this color to be available.

Code: Enter the color code of the printable color(HEX code) or select the color from the color picker.

CMYK Code: You can also enter the CMYK code for your printable color.

Status: Select the status of printable color (Enable/disable).

After filling all the details, click on the “Save Printable Color” and then the color will be saved.

You can see this color in the list. For editing any color click on the “Edit” button in the action column.

If you want to delete any color, select the background image, and choose the “Delete” option from the “Action” dropdown menu. After clicking the “Delete” button, a confirmation message will appear and click on “OK”.

Default color

You can set the default colors. So when the customers insert any text, name, and number and image the object will appear in default color.

To set the default color go to Stores ➤ Configurations ➤ Color Picker. Here you can set the default color for your store

Frontend view

After backend configuration and selecting the default color, these colors will be shown on the right side of the designer tool.

The customers will get the list of colors in the “Image Effects” tab as “Presets” which are added in the “Manage Printable colors” from the backend.

Note: The customer can’t change the color of the uploaded image.

While adding a text on an object, the customer will get it in default color as configured on the backend.

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