How to Enable Multiple Languages on My Web-to-Print Store

To introduce a new language to your Magento 2 store, you should install a language pack first. Go to the Magento Marketplace and find a pack extension for the required language. After that follow the given steps in order to create a multi-language Web-to-print store

1. Add a New Store View

Go to Admin Panel > Stores > All Stores and press the Create Store View button.

2. Fill in the Store View Information

  • Choose store the store-view will be linked-to in the Store select box.
  • In the Name field, you correspondingly set the name of the store-view.
  • Set the code of the store-view (it can be used in the URL).
  • Enable the store-view in the Status select box.
  • Once you have finished with all the changes don’t forget to press the Save Store View button.

3. Edit Store-View

Also, you can edit store-views, e.g. change the name of a store view. You can do this by clicking on the store-view link and editing its fields easily, just like during the creation.

4. Set Locale (Set Language)

  • Once creating a new store view has been done, you have to set it’s locale by going to Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration > Store View > [Store View Name].
  • In the General section find Locale Options and set a language for the store view
  • Once you have finished with the store view locale configurations don’t forget to press the Save Config button.
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