How to Create the Best Marketing Strategy for My B2C Business

Use the Data of Your Store  

Your marketing strategy needs to implement data-driven planning for highly personalized content. It’s the only way to know your customers. Like what they like and dislike, which device they use, and much more.

Data-Driven planning means leveraging the insights for informed predictions about future behaviors. 

Omnichannel strategy based on Mobile         

Consider creating an app to boost revenue generation. 79% of mobile users have made a purchase using mobiles in the last 6 months. And the number is still rising. So go with the flow. Make sure your store is mobile optimized so that the user can shop on your store with any mobile device. 

Millennials want to have an online store, an app, offers, discounts, and social media accounts with the shopping functionality. For the power-packed successful strategy, you should adopt the omnichannel strategy based on mobile. 

Understand the Shopper

For a successful strategy, you need to know the psychology of the customer decision-making process. With the help of data, you can know your customers. What are they looking for in your store, how they are interacting within the store, and much more you can predict. 

Pro Tip: You can use the marketing automation software that gives detailed insights and helps in framing the strategy. 

Some examples of Marketing strategy


Now you have the data, you know how the user interacts in your store. You can retarget them with advertisements on social media.

B2C brands can use “Look-alike” ads to create the profiles of contacts whose interest resembles those of existing and known customers. 

Another option is retargeting your existing customers, who might have abandoned the cart or buying session on the website. 

B2C brands can use Facebook and Instagram for retargeting campaigns. 

Email Marketing

Around 3 out of 4 shoppers will leave the site without purchasing. It is a big challenge to get the customers to fulfill the orders that the shoppers begin online.   

So you can send abandoned cart emails when someone leaves the cart for a long time.

Pro Tip: keep the Email precise and right to the point. Include the benefits that appeal to their emotions.

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