Flat rate, free shipping, or table rates which should I choose?

It is likely you have heard about free, flat, and table rate shipping. But to choose one from them you need to understand what they are?

Flat rate shipping – The price of shipping is applicable to all shipping packages in flat rate shipping. 

Free shipping – Free shipping is the offer given by the retailer to the shopper to send the purchase for free. Usually, retailers give this offer to encourage the shopper to purchase online from them. 

Table rates – With table rates shipping you can create complex rules for shipping. Table rates shipping method lets you define multiple rates based on the destination, product weight, price, and the number of items. 

The free shipping method is a good strategy to attract customers to your store and encourage them to shop from you.

If your product list consists of many products having different weights and sizes then the table rate shipping method is preferable.

The flat rate shipping method is preferable when you want to keep the shipping price fixed for each product irrespective of weight, destination, and number of items.

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