Digital Printing or Flexography Printing which is the best one? | PrintXpand - Part 2

Digital Printing or Flexography Printing which is the best one?

Flexo or Digital printing which method to choose? In this article, we are going to compare both methods based on the quantity, cost, and quality of the print.

Let’s have a review of both of the methods

Digital Printing 

Digital Printing is the computerized method of printing on which the chosen file directly prints on the printing surface by machine.

Flexography Printing 

Flexography is the process in which the inks and plates are used. Firstly the ink is transferred onto the plates by rollers and then it is transferred to the substrate.

Let have a look at some of the factors for selecting the best one for your project.


If you are selling a seasonal product or let’s say you want to print the product in less quantity or for sample, then digital printing is the best option. It doesn’t have any extra cost for set up so it is consistent and can be cost-effective for the short-run projects.

On the other hand, flexography has several set up costs, which can be cost-bearer for the short-run project. But with the larger quantity prints, the cost for each print gradually decreased. 

Designs and Effects

Flexography printing can produce more intricate designs and effects on the substrates as compared to digital printing. Digital printing is somewhat limited as compared to flexo, which can apply techniques such as foiling and backprinting. However, digital printing can supplement some special techniques that flexography printing can do. 


Price is a dominant factor in selecting the printing method. Due to the lack of printing plates in digital printing, it is less costly as compared to flexography. However, printing design or substrates can also affect your budget.


Selecting between digital printing and flexography printing depends on your requirement. If you want to print less quantity substrates then digital printing is best suited for you. However, if you want to produce intricate designs and effects on the substrates then you should go for flexography printing.

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