Everything About PrintXpand’ Backend

Every website is a composition of front-end and back-end. So is PrintXpand’ Designer tool website. Let’s understand how the Backend of PrintXpand’ Product designer tool functions. Let us start with understanding the basic terms that revolve around back-end development. 

Back-end Development refers to server-side development. Back-end is a term basically used for behind-the-scenes activities that happen while performing any action on a website. Whatever features you want to show on your frontend (i.e. user side of  your website) have to be configured in the backend. It stores and organizes data, and ensures everything on the client-side works smoothly. 

As stated earlier, every website is a composition of front-end and back-end. These ends are connected by settings called configurations. Correct configurations bring balance and increased efficiency of websites. PrintXpand’ tool is one such example of balanced ends which can be configured just by few clicks. PrintXpand’ backend comprises default Magento2 features and PrintXpand’s additional features. Both these features are interlinked and contribute in making PrintXpand’s tool untroubled. 

PrintXpand’ Back-end Dashboard

As shown above in the left panel, there are multiple tabs for the functioning of various tasks. Let’s go through the details of each and every tab in the PrintXpand’ Backend.

  1. Dashboard: Admins can see all the information about their lifetime sales, average order value, last orders and search terms. You can enable a chart option to view pictorial representation of your orders and related details for the selected time range. Admins can also view and manage all new and regular customers. The dashboard shows the data and insights of all the orders. It denotes the count such as lifetime sales, average orders, best-selling products, most viewed products, revenue generated, tax, shipping amount, quantity, top searches etc.
  2. Sales Tab: Under the ‘Sales’ tab you can overview your orders, invoices, shipments, credit memos and transactions information. You can also generate reports in forms of pdfs for each of them.
  3. Catalog Tab: You can manage products and product categories in the Catalog tab. 
  • Product: This subtab enables you to add new products, mass-delete not needed ones, change the status of the selected items, add product attributes, and more. You can also manage store items that are on sale, coming soon or temporary not available. 
  • Categories: Here, you can add new root categories and subcategories as well as delete those that are no longer important. Plus, in this working area, you can add category content (images and descriptions), configure SEO settings, define a product sorting order within a chosen category, and select a category design theme.
  1. Magemob Inventory: Magemob Inventory is the back-end solution for Print Inventory management. It allows you to manage your stock efficiently. It minimizes unwanted order cancellations due to mismanagement of resources. You can view, manage and synchronize your everyday inventory operations and keep it cost minimized with this single tool. Here, you can manage Inventory, Warehouse, Multiple channels, Orders, Barcode etc.
  2. Magemob App Builder: This tab lets you build a Magento2 mobile app for your store. It is a pre-configured framework that enables you to build a custom app around your business logic with features like RTL-support, multiple & custom payment gateways, deep linking, firebase analytics and more. You can easily enter mobile commerce with this feature-rich app builder extension to give your customers the perfect shopping experience.
  3. Customers: This tab ensures easy customer management. It allows you to view the list of your customers, apply mass-actions as subscribe/unsubscribe to a newsletter, assign a customer to a certain group, edit or delete a customer. Additionally, under these settings you can add a new customer or export/import customer lists and overview their order history, product reviews, billing info and other important data. You can also see all visitors who are currently viewing your website. You can group your customers, into general, not logged in customers, retailers, wholesalers and their tax class.
  4. Marketing: Here you can manage promotions, private sales, communications,SEO and search settings etc. You can also connect your Magento store to Facebook and set up a Facebook store by activating ‘Magento Social’ integration. 
  5. Product Designer: This tab involves the management of all the designing features on PrintXpand’ Tool. Here, you can manage all the tabs, sub-tabs, design templates, Image effects, filters, image sides, clipart, printable colors,printing methods, quotes, shapes, background, design ideas, Photobook etc. 
  6. Job schedule: Manually creating and managing print jobs in this day and age is a lot more monotonous than it seems. Especially if you’re managing multiple stores and products, then it becomes even more difficult to manage print jobs. PrintXpand lets you perform this tedious, time-consuming, hard to manage manual tasks by its Print Job Manager, which can be configured and managed in this section. It helps you achieve 20X faster efficiency in your print workflow. Print Job Manager increases deliveries, productions, profitability on short-run jobs, and decreases idle machine times, print waste, and human errors.
  7. Content: The next set of the admin settings will let you manage your store content, design and content staging. Under the ‘Elements’ settings, you can add, customize, remove CMS pages, widgets, banners and static blocks. Under the ‘Design’ settings, it is possible to install or configure a new design theme, as well as schedule automatic theme changes. Under the ’Content Staging’ settings, you can track your content staging, active as well as upcoming.
  8. Reports: With the help of this particular platform you get 8 types of reports including every activity that takes place in your store. This functionality lets you evaluate your marketing efforts, overview customer reviews, check sales reports, customer and product statistics. It also gives you access to statistics, private sales as well as advanced options as Business intelligence and Marketing Automation. There are Marketing reports, Sales reports, Customer review reports, Product reports and other statistics.
  9. Stores: Under the ‘Store’ settings, you can:
  • Add, configure and modify Store Views
  • Set tax zones and rules and ratings
  • Define currency ratings
  • Add product attributes and attribute sets
  • Manage product ratings
  • Configure multiple shipping options, such as carriers, locations and packaging.
  1. System: In this tab you can manage all your Permissions, extensions,action logs, data transfer, Cache Management, Backups, Index Management, Web Setup Wizard, notifications, encryptions, custom variables etc.
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