W2P Tool System Requirement – Integration – Magento


* If One TIme then required below detail.

1. SSH details

2. Access your Bitbucket/Git Repo to this email: PrintXpand.team@biztechcs.com For adding our code.

3. Magento admin details (If not Integration project),With the below configuration on the server.

– upload_max_filesize : 512M

– post_max_size : 4096M

– max_execution_time : 18000

– max_input_vars : 2000

– max_body_size : 512M


– memory_limit : 1024 M

– Node : 14.17.0

– PHP Version : /8.2

– NPM : 8.1

– Inkscape : 1.1.2 

– GD library version : 2.3.3

– ImageMagick : 6.9.10-23

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