What are the General Configurations for the Mobile to Print App?

General configurations in the Mobile to Print App(Magemob App Builder) are the overall configurations that include enabling and disabling of extension, search with barcode, display of new products, and much more. Learn more about the general configurations below. 

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General Configuration

Go to Stores ➤ Configurations ➤ Magemob App Builder ➤ General, and fill the following fields.

Enabled: Select “Yes” to enable the Magemob App builder Extension. By default it is disabled.

Search With Barcode: Select “Yes” to search the products with the barcode. 

Display New Arrivals: Select “Yes” if you want to display the new arrivals on the dashboard. 

Display New Products Based on:  Select on which basis the new products need to be displayed. On selecting “Category wise” you will get the list of the categories below 

Display Best Sellers: Select “Yes” to display the best sellers products on the home screen.

Privacy Policy Page URL: Select the page from the list of CMS pages that you want to display as the Privacy Policy Page URL.

About Us Page URL: Select the page from the list of CMS pages that you want to display as the About Us Page URL.

FAQ Page URL: Select the page from the list of CMS pages that you want to display as the FAQ Page URL.

Is Full Site Secure: Select “Yes” if your full website is secured like https. 

Authorization Key for Notification in Android: Enter the authorization key for android, based on which notification will be sent to your shoppers. 

Please Enter the authorization key to send the notification in iOS: Enter the authorization key foriOS, based on which notification will be sent to your shoppers. 

After configuring all the general configurations, click on the “Save Config” button.

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