What are pre-loaded templates? How to add preloaded templates?

Pre-loaded templates are kind of default templates that would occur with the product when the customer opens a product for customizing. These templates have to be assigned/loaded from the backend by the admin therefore they’re called “pre-loaded”. You can set these design templates for any product. In a configurable product, you can set the design template for all the child products. You can also assign one template to the parent product and the rest child product will contain the same template by default.

Preloaded Template (Manage Default Design Template)

Navigate to the Product designer section on a product information page.

To set a “Preloaded Template” which would be displayed on the Front End, select the template from the Preloaded Template dropdown list. It will contain the list of templates which are designed for a particular product. After selecting the default template, click on the ‘Save’ button to save all the configurations.

Frontend View

Once the pre-loaded templates are assigned to any product, you can simply check it from the front-end by clicking on the product for which you had set the pre-loaded templates. When you click the “customize it” button for those templates you the designer page will show you the assigner pre-loaded template along with the product.

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