What Actions Can Be Performed On Cart Price Rule?

In this article you will get to know what all actions can be performed on cart price rules. Various actions can be performed on cart price rules which will be described here. 

Navigate to Marketing -> Cart Price Rules.

Cart Price Rules lets you display the deals on the cart page. By clicking on the Cart Price Rule, you will land on the Cart Price Rules page where a list of deals is displayed. Click on a specific deal to open its Edit page.

From here you can perform following actions : 

    • Delete : On the top right corner of the page, the Delete option is present. By clicking on this  button you will be able to delete the particular deal. 
    • Reset : On the top right corner of the page, beside the Delete option, Reset option is present. By clicking on this option, you will be able to reset the configurations of the particular deal. 
    • Active : By setting the toggle button to Yes, you will be able to activate that particular cart price deal.
  • Save and Continue Edit : This option saves the configuration but does not redirect you to the Cart Price Rules Page and allows you to continue the editing process. 

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