How Does PrintXpand’s Product Designer Pricing System Work?

PrintXpand’ Product designer tool has a dynamic and live pricing system. Using this feature, you can decide the pricing for each and every designing attribute as you wish. 

  • You can charge your customers based on the number of cliparts they use.
  • You can charge them based on the number of colors used in their designs.
  • You can charge for each and every image that they import.
  • You can even charge based on single text, word and even single alphabet.
  • Your charges can be based per quote, per image, per template and  per number also.

With Live price generation, customers get the complete bifurcation of design customization price on the tool itself while designing. By clicking on the information icon next to product price at the bottom right of the tool, the user can find a total final price with product quantity, customization cost, and design object (text, image, clipart, etc.) cost. 

Live pricing while designing the product

Backend Configuration for pricing

You can add these dynamic prices on a particular product as well as for the entire store. To add these prices for the entire store navigate to 

Store > Configuration > PrintXpand > Product Designer Settings > General

  • Additional Price for Customized Products: Add a fixed cost that you want to charge for all custom designed products.
  • Additional cost per added text: Add price for each text that your customers add while designing their products.
  • Additional cost per added image: Enter the amount that you want to charge your customers with, whenever they add an image. For the first image the customer will be charged by the amount mentioned in this field.
  • Additional Cost per custom Uploaded Image: Add price that you want to charge for uploaded image if the customer adds more than one image. If there are multiple images uploaded for the first image the customer will be charged by the cost mentioned under “Additional cost per added image” field and for the rest of the images they will be charged by the amount mentioned under this field.

You can also add these charges for particular products. For that navigate to Catalogs > Products 

  • Select the product in which you want to add the dynamic pricing.
  • You’ll be redirected to the edit page.
  • Go to the Product Designer section and enter all the details that we saw above.
  • Click on “Save product”.
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