Can I Add My Own Watermark to All the Designs Generated from My Store? How Can I Do it?

Yes, Absolutely! PrintXpand lets the admins add the watermark of their store when the customers download their designed, ready to print files. This watermark could be of the text form or even an image form. This can be done as a part of the Custom Product Image Download configuration option. However, it is important to note that this functionality is only available to PrintXpand’ premium users.

  • To enable the “Watermark” button navigate to the Stores > Configuration. 
  • In the PrintXpand section navigate to the Custom Product Image Download section.
  • Select yes in the “Download Customized Product Image”. 
  • As soon as you’ll select yes the “Watermark type” option will appear.
  • Select the watermark type: Text or Image.

1. If you select text the “Text for Watermark Image” option will appear. Add the text in this field.

  1. If you select the image option, two sub-options will appear.

Add landscape Image Watermark: You can add the landscape image watermark here.

Add portrait Image Watermark: You can add the portrait image watermark here.

  • Create watermark image: You can create your watermark image by clicking on the “Create Watermark Image” button.
  • Click on the “save” configuration button after making all the changes.
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