PrintXpand Installation steps for linux users

PrintXpand’ intuitive web-to-print Product Designer tool is built on Magento2 Platform. Therefore to install the Product Designer extension, you must have a Magento2 user login. Your user login must have the permissions to write to the Magento file system. Stick to the following steps to ensure a safe and successful installation.

Fire below commands on the terminal to install npm, nodejs and angular cli for specifically Linux servers.

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

sudo apt-get purge nodejs npm

curl -sL | sudo -E bash –

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

Install angular –

Please keep below version to make compatible angular with our tool

Angular CLI: 7.3.8

Node: 8.16.0

Angular: 7.2.12

npm: 6.4.1

“@ngu/carousel”: “^1.5.5”,

“angular-bootstrap-colorpicker”: “^3.0.32”,

“angular7-pubsub”: “^2.1.1”,

“bootstrap”: “^4.3.1”,

“cropperjs”: “^1.5.1”,

“fabric”: “^3.2.0”,

“fabric-customise-controls”: “^2.0.2-beta”,

“file-saver”: “^2.0.2”,

“intro.js”: “^2.9.3”,

“ng2-cache”: “^0.2.1”,

“ngx-bootstrap”: “^4.0.1”,

“ngx-filesaver”: “^2.2.1”,

“ngx-infinite-scroll”: “^7.2.0”

After installing angular and following the above steps, extract from the desired directory and merge it with your angular setup. We need to connect angular setup with magento setup. For this we need to change store id, currency code and base url in index.html placed under ‘src’ directory. 

After installing angular, extract on the desired directory. We need to connect angular setup with Magento setup. For this, we need to change store id, currency code and base URL in index.html placed under ‘src’ directory. 

After the above changes, open the terminal and go to the angular root directory. Then fire ng serve command and run localhost:4200/id/{productid} in browser. (Please note that this URL will work only if ng serve compilation complete successfully)

You can also refer to our manual for a better understanding.

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