How Do I Add Products for Customization?

You can add your products for customization by enabling the product designer button. You can add product customization on your already existing products or on new products with the following steps: 

  • Go to the Magento backend dashboard.
  • In the left panel, go to CATALOG ➤ PRODUCTS ➤ select the product you wish to add customization to ➤ Click EDIT, it will redirect you to the product configuration page.
  • Scroll down to the Product Designer Tab.
  • Activate the “Enable Product Designer” switch. This will enable that particular product for customization on your store-front.

Three important things/settings are to be kept in mind while adding your products for customization.

1) Assign the Sides to the Product Image:

Uploading an image is must for your product to be visible on your store-front. Assigning sides of the product is essential as you’ll be able to add the design area only after assigning sides. To add side and design area:

  • Go to the Magento backend dashboard.
  • In the left panel go to CATALOG ➤  PRODUCTS ➤  Select the product you wish to add for customization ➤  Click EDIT, it will redirect you to the product configuration page.
  • Go to the “Images and Videos” Tab.
  • Here, you will find an Eight Dot Button at the upper-left corner of the uploaded product image. Click on it.
  • A pop-up with all the image details will open.
  • Here, make sure that all the options under the role section are selected. 
  • Select the image side you want to assign to the product image and close the pop-up.

2) Assign the Design area to the product:

Assigning the Design area of the product is essential to enable the customization. Otherwise your customers won’t be able to add their designs.

Go to the Magento backend dashboard.

  • In the left panel go to CATALOG ➤  PRODUCTS ➤  Select the product you wish to add customization to ➤  Click EDIT, it will redirect you to the product configuration page.
  • Go to the Images and Videos Tab.
  • Here, you will find a Brush Button at the upper-right corner of the uploaded product image.
  • As soon as you’ll click on it, another pop-up named “Create Design area” will appear.
  • Here, select the design area as per your wish. 
  • You can also add a masking image. Masking Image is a default image that will appear on your product in the design area on your store-front. 
  • Click the “Save design area” button. 

3) Enable the “Customize it” button for your store-front:

After following all the above steps you need to enable the “customize it” button in order to make the customization option visible on your store-front and redirect your customers to the designing page.

  • Go to the Magento backend dashboard.
  • In the left panel go to STORE ➤  CONFIGURATION ➤  Under the PrintXpand tab, click on “Product Designer Settings” ➤  Go to the “General Settings” tab ➤  Enable the “Design button on category page” field. 
  • Click on the “Save config” button.
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