Locking objects prevents the customers from selecting and editing them. You can restrict the customers to edit some of the objects from the product template. You can also fix the position of the objects and you can allow customers to edit it as per their requirements.
Being an admin of the Magento store, if you are managing the product templates from the backend, you can manage the objects by locking them in the designing area of the product.
Backend Configurations
While creating the design template, the admin can lock specific objects from the backend, and the customers can be restricted from editing that object or moving the position on the product design area.
Manage Templates
Navigate to the PRODUCT DESIGNER → Manage Templates to design the template and lock some of the objects using the lock feature. [1]
By clicking on the Manage Templates, you will redirect to the created templates for the products page. [2] Now, by clicking on the “Select” option of any designed template, you will see the three options to manage the designed template. [3]
– Edit: You can edit the template details, but you cannot change the product that is already selected. You can edit the template details but, you can not change the designing methods. [4]
You can edit only the following details: [5]
> Template Title > Price > Store View > Visible in Front
– Copy: You can copy the template.
– Design: If you have added the new template, you need to design the product template by clicking on the “Design” option.
Once you have created the template using any of the methods, you can configure the lock for the objects from the “PrintXpand-Designer Tool” for the admin.
Design Template
By clicking on the Design option, [1] you will be redirected to the page of the PrintXpand Designer Tool for the admin. You can design the product as per the requirement. [2]
Once you designed the product with different objects or elements, click on the ‘Layer’ icon to lock the objects. [3] You will have three types of “Locks”: > Position Lock > Edit Lock > Property Lock
By enabling any lock, you can restrict the customers to modify the object in the designing area:
– Position Lock: If you tick (enable) the ‘position lock’ for any object, it will be locked. It cannot be moved or changed position. But the customers can edit the object and the properties. (i.e. Image Filter, Text Color, etc.)
– Edit Lock: If you tick (enable) the ‘edit lock’ for any object, you can restrict the customers for editing the object, especially the text object. It means the object can’t be modified and it will remain in the designer area as it is.
– Property Lock: If you tick (enable) the ‘property lock’ for any object, you can restrict the change for the property of the object i.e. Image Filter, Text Style, Color, Stoke, etc.
You can manage individually to lock the objects in the product designer tool. If you want to disable any of the locks, you need to click on them to unlock them. So, the lock will be disabled.
You can apply the locks by grouping the objects to keep all the objects with a similar lock feature. You need to select multiple objects. You will see the checkbox from the left. By checking on it, you can apply the lock/unlock for multiple objects by grouping them. [4]
Once you have configured the lock feature for the objects, click on the Save button to apply the lock feature on the template. By clicking on the “Save” button, you will get the success message in the popup. [5]
Store View
When the customers access the online store for the shopping and navigate to the product designer tool to design the products, they can design the product by adding the different objects/elements to the designer area. When they select the template to design the product, they will see that some of the objects are locked. [1]
They can’t change the position of the object (Position Lock), they can’t edit/modify the object (Edit Lock), or it is also possible that they can’t change the properties of the object (Property Lock). The objects are locked as configured in the template using the PrintXpand-Designer Tool admin side.
Position Lock:
If you have enabled the Position Lock to the objects and the customers try to move the object/change the position in the designer area, they can’t move that object. But they can update the image using different image properties if the property lock is unlocked. [2]
Edit Lock:
If you have enabled the Edit Lock to the objects and the customers try to edit the object, they can’t edit that object i.e. text objects can’t be edited. But, the customers can move the position if the position lock is unlocked from the template (Admin side). They can also apply the text effects and text properties if the property lock is unlocked. [3]
Property Lock:
When the customers want to apply the filters on images, change the text style, color, font, or change the color for the clipart, they can’t update/change the property of the object. If the property lock is applied to any object, the property option will be hidden in the designer explorer sub-tabs. [4]
But, the customers can move the position if the position lock is unlocked. They can also edit/modify the object, especially the text object if the edit lock is unlocked.